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Name: Eleni Compara


Age: 447


Race: Pureblood Vampire


Parents: Dalia and Mogof Compara(both deceased)


Height: 5’5 




Hair Colour: Black


Black Eyes: Deep red


Weapons: Two daggers and has three small throwing knives.



Super speed- Allowing them to move faster than any humans eyes could track.


Super Stealth - Their step can’t be heard by any naked ear if they don’t want it to be.


Super Agility - Makes them very effective in acrobatics and dodging during fights, however they do get a bit worn out.


Animal Shapeshifting - They mostly turn into wolves but can shift into other animals as well.


Twin telepathy - Allows them to communicate telepathically no matter where they are or how far apart they may be.


Telekinesis - This leads her to always being a direct hit with anything she throws, but also can send things flying across the room she hasn’t touched.


Powerful Vision - She is able to see in the dark as if it is day, and can see much farther distances if she focuses.


Personality: Short tempered, easily distracted, hyper, opinionated, fairly nice when on her good side, shit disturber, prankster, hard to control, above average intelligence, conservative.


Back story:

Ever since birth Eleni and Eros have been by each other’s side. They took care of each other and only each other. They were inseparable. Their parents paid little attention to them so all they had was one another. 123 years ago their parents got slaughtered by vampire hunters while taking an evening walk. Or so everyone thinks. The twins then took over rule of Coltan and succeeded their parents, however they have done a much better job. Eros keeps Eleni in line while she keeps him on his toes. They may be opposites, however their bond and love for each other is undeniable.

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