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Name: Elena Compara


Age: 459


Race: Vampire


Parents: Dalia and Mogof Compara(both deceased)


Height: 5’4" 




Hair Colour: Black


Black Eyes: Deep red


Weapons: A set of throwing knives and a whip.



Super speed- Allowing her to move faster than any humans eyes could track.


Super Stealth - Her steps can’t be heard by any naked ear if she doesn't want it to be.


Super Agility - Makes her very effective in acrobatics and dodging during fights, however she does get a bit worn out.


Animal Shapeshifting - She mostly turns into a raven but she can shift into other animals as well.


Telepathy - Has the ability to communicate telepathically to those she is close too or becomes acclimated to.


Telekinesis - This leads her to always being a direct hit with anything she throws, but also can send things flying across the room she hasn’t touched.


Powerful Vision - She is able to see in the dark as if it is day, and can see much farther distances if she focuses.


Personality: Reserved.  A huntress.  She went through a hell of a childhood and before her childhood ended she went though nine kinds of hell with strangers that used her for monitary gain or... other needs that applied.  She is cautious, fearing to be used again.


Back story:

Ever since birth Elena went through hell. She had no one to turn too, no one to look up to, and no one to rely upon or come help her in what she thought some days were her last.  Her parents paid little attention to her and what attention she did get, she rather had been alone.  


There was a slave trade and about three to four years before Eros and Eleni were born.  Elena was kidnapped at about the age of 9 (she had looked about 12 or 13 at the time.  She went through several years of being caged and thrown on different ships and carrages til she caught someone's eyes.


When she was 17 the male that had purchased her was a vampire whom had turned her on her 17th birthday.  Her sire didn't ask her if she wanted to be turned, he just did so to have a companion, all pure selfish reasons, he felt her beauty needed to be preserved for eternity instead of wasting away with mortality. 


Recently she had killed her sire because he was killing other humans for fun instead of feeding, and there was someone she really liked that she wanted to turn to be her companion but her sire killed him causing her to go mad. Currently she is being hunted by the clan for killing her sire.



 She came to DarkStone looking to see if there were any of her family or kin left, or someone alive at least.  Recently she learned that 123 years ago their parents got slaughtered by vampire hunters while taking an evening walk. Or so everyone thinks. The twins then took over rule of Coltan and succeeded their parents  which were hers, however from towns people that first thought she was Eleni told her how much of a better job she and her brother had done compared to her parents.  She was shocked to find she had twin siblings that were nothing like her parents.   She had vanished from Coltan but is still hiding somewhere in DarkStone. 


She wants to approach her siblings, but at the same time she fears that she might bring her trobles to them since she is currently being hunted.  Furthermore she had never asked for help in her life so she doesn't really know how to go about doing so.  Having her dead sires gold in her pockets she now is wandering looking for a place to lay low till she can figure things out.

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